We have all heard the stories of content is king. We know our customers want to be educated before they buy. We know people block all ads and come in cold when we pay for ads. We build our strategy:

So we make our plan to grow first year 1000 people, second year 50,000, third year 1,000,000. We get buy in from management, we start the content creation and we are six months in and we have THAT meeting.
“Show me the numbers on the website……….This is terrible it’s only 4000 hits. “
You are exceeding your targets, and the numbers are great. However you forgot management changes. Right now the average turnover of a manager is above 30% per year. So you you can guarantee that there will be one person who wasn’t sold in on what you are doing.
Strategy one. The best plan is to just keep selling and keep building. If you can do this you can keep your eye on the ball and deliver over three years of building.
Strategy two. Mitigate the risk by promoting content.

Quuu Promote. Quora Sendible BuzzStream Triberr Taboola outbrain
These all work well to promote your content and increase the return. Pay for youtube views, promote your content.
Strategy three. Capture an audience.
Invest in the email software, building out a chain of content, small autoresponders, and segment. If you can capture a list you can speed up how you promote new content.
HubSpot’s free forms tool Benchmark Moosend SendInBlue Stripo

Strategy four: Integrate your marketing with your sales to get hard numbers on which clients read what articles before buying. Software like marketo allows you to see what people saw before they become a client or signed up.

The important thing is to prove and sell early and every day. Find ways to justify the longer strategy. In the end creating great content for you customers is always going to be better than convincing them with a fancy ad. With all marketing it is often best to ask what value am I giving, and education trumps excitement. Mostly.