
Trackita transforms enterprises to improve their technology, processes and people.


What is User Science?

User Science is a philosophy, applied as a Framework, accepted laws, and a empirical method of acquiring knowledge of Users scientifically. Why would we approach the building of an enterprise, or the marketing function with science? Becuase science is very…

The Business Case for A/B Testing

A/B Testing in marketing (also known as spilt testing) allows the identification of the best solution for a marketing propblem by randomizing two elements and checking which has best response.

Velocity is not just speed, it is direction.

Human-centered design and UX research can give a direction and give you velocity in your sprints. Often user research is done once, if at all, but if you find what you need to achieve often you can make the work…

Marketing Budget Assessment

New budgets need to take into account the changes that are taking place. Everything is moving and you need to create an adaptive budget.

Marketing vs IT, tell me what and I will tell you how much!

The ultimate standoff lies in the symbiotic relationship between marketing and IT. Often this leads to a stale mate. The IT team cannot tell you how long everything will take as they don’t know exactly what the business priorities are…

Are you ready for the Russian cyber security attack on your computer systems

It is a time for re-thinking your approach to cyber security. It is most unlikely that the Russians will escalate the current conflict into a full out cyber war. But it is something that cannot be ruled out. The types…

What to Consider When Evaluating a CRM Platform

Every business, needs a CRM that collects data to improve efficiency. The list of items to consider when choosing a CRM follows.

What Questions to ask when Creating a Marketing Strategy

It”s that time of year and a new Marketing Strategy is needed. What are the questions when preparing a new marketing strategy?

Effective Project Management

What is the Key to Effective Project Management? Project Management can feel like it is art rather than science and that people skills are the most important. However, the following need to be considered when looking for the keys to…

Design Debt will Cripple Your Future

Stop Design Debt crippling your future with a number of easy steps that can be implemented quickly including testing.

Tackling Content Sprawl

Content Sprawl needs to be managed and the failure to provide consistent, current and correct content will damage your comany’s brand.

Simple Strategies for Making a Company wait for SEO to Work.

Strategies to wait while your content begins to rank in SEO.

Google now officially loves mobile more than your desktop

Google now gives your mobile experience higher importance than desktop. Reviewing your website to ensure it is compatible with mobiles is key to good performance.

Can You Build Trust on Your Landing Pages

It is important to build trust on landing pages. There are a number of steps that can be taken to build trust including using apps.

A New Age for Marketing is Dawning

The loss of cookies and walled gardens are changing marketing. A new age is dawning and over the next few years dramatic changes are needed in martech to cope with these changes.

What is DMP?

Data Management Platform (DMP) enable marketers to organize and analyse customer data .

A Simple Way to Create a UX Center of Excellence

Creating a Customer Experience Center of Excellence is key to improving ROI.

How to garden your B2B sales?

B2B sales are hard. They take a long time to reach fruition. At each of the five steps of B2B sales, your company needs to garden careful to ensure their product is chosen.

7 Trends in Digital Marketing, 2021

Your company will be burning money unless they take into account the new digital marketing trends of 2021.

How many influencers for a campaign?

How do you choose the number? Influencers can be a very effective way to reach a targetted audience. But making decisions about which influencer to choose, large or small, and how many to choose is difficult. More than 70% of…

5 Ways to Drive Results with ABM

ABM can increase Sales and ROI. There are 5 steps to achieve this.

Brand is Built with Experience

If you are in sales or marketing, you are going to be defined as a brand by the experience. This can be hard as it doesn’t seem like you control the experience. This may be true but what can you…

Why are you marketing your org chart?

Think of every supermarket and you see everything grouped together in supply and department names. I want to buy entertaining food, so I walk from dairy to biscuits to fruit. But I want a cheese platter for entertaining. When I…